24: LED Light Kit
  • 24: LED Light Kit

Frosted LED's


Super LED's


Premium Non-Ghosting LED's


24: LED Light Kits

24: LED Light Kit.
This is a complete LED kit for your 24 pinball machine. Includes approx. 150 LEDs. These are Color Matched for your specific game.
Complete Kit is Made From 3 Sections.
1. Controlled Lamps/Lamp Matrix  44/555, below the playfield,( turn on and off with gameplay)
2. Playfield General Illumination  44/555, above the playfield ( lighting slingshots, perimeter playfield, generally on all of the time)
3. Super Flashers 89/906, larger lamp that flash during game play for shots hit, etc.
Prices vary per game, different qualities of flashers, bulbs, etc.
All pricing and copy was provided by CoinTaker. 
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